Festival #5 Announcement: Twisted Oyster Film Fest

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We're excited to announce our next festival screening will be in Chicago! GIRL CODE is headed to the Twisted Oyster Film Fest, and we'll be screening at Comfort Station in Logan Square this Saturday 10/14 at 6PM. We're one of just 13 films that was selected for this year's fest, which is built around the theme of Power of the Feminine. 

This week we've been forced to examine the position of women in our industry. We have a long way to go in creating the kind of environment that celebrates diverse voices and actually fosters creativity and risk-taking. So we're extra proud right now to be included in this fest with this theme, and we're extra grateful to you for helping us to make and continue to share our project. We know we're just at the beginning of our filmmaking careers and that we're learning as we go. We hope that someday we'll be in a position to elevate more female creators. We are determined to continue collaborating with inclusive crews and telling our stories!

Jessica, Kate, and Casey

Jessica Jacobs